Sunday, February 14, 2010

Parameters That Must Be Considered In Adsense

Income we receive will always depend on the value of PPC. The greater its value automatically is to our advantage. However, to improve the PPC is not easy. It takes hard work and honesty, perseverance and patience. Someone who first followed the adsense it will not necessarily get a big PPC value, all depending on the publisher.

There are several parameters that must be considered to improve the value of PPC. They are:

  1. CPC (cost per click). The CPC is the amount of money obtained if publishe placed adsense ads clicked by the user. The value of each CPC ad units are not the same. Different facto that led to the peformance publisher, and the quality of the site.

  2. CTR (Clickthrough Rate). CTR is the ratio between the number of clicks by the number of appearances adsense adsense. This comparison is expressed in percent. The more clicks generated then the value will be greater CTR.
  3. eCPM (Effective CPM)eCPM or CPM (Cost Per Million) is the result of the division between the amount of income by the number of publisher and page impressions divided by 1000 which he got from the ads.

In order for us to know clearly, what adsense income, then we try to improve it.

If there are suggestions and questions please neighbors of this article you wrote in comment box.


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